Canção oficial do novo blogueiro: I Started A Blog Which Nobody Read..

Você anda meio perdido(a) na blogosfera?

Aqui está a canção dedicada aos novos blogueiros – I Started A Blog Which Nobody Read.

I started a blog which nobody read.. When I went to work, I blogged there instead..I started a blog which nobody view..

I started a blog but nobody came; no issues were raised, no comments were made;

I started a blog which nobody read.. all I did wasn’t that great but you must know here’s what is said..

I started a blog; I sent you the link; I wanted you the world to know what I think..

I started a blog but when I read yours; it made me forget what I had started my for..

Dica: Não deixe a canção te desencorajar de abrir um blog, ao contrário, lembre-se que é uma canção sobre iniciar um blog!

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